稀有性:罕見 ★★★☆☆☆☆
顏色: 深藍
Whenever you go near this egg your hair stands on end.
當你在這顆蛋附近會導致你的頭髮豎起。 幼龍
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It seems be allergic to something, and every time it sneezes, sparks shoot from its nose and mouth.
阿…這是一個可愛的龍寶寶。牠似乎對某些東西過敏,無論何時都在打噴嚏,且同時會從牠的鼻子和嘴巴噴出火星。 成熟的幼龍
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It seems be allergic to something, and every time it sneezes, sparks shoot from its nose and mouth. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing. Small bolts of electricity occasionally fly off of it, zapping nearby objects.
Thunder dragons are the masters of electricity. Their wings gather energy as they soar through the clouds, and when they clap their wings together they can create devastating arcs of lightning. They can stay airborne nearly indefinitely, landing only to sleep and breed; they catch their prey from the air and take moisture from the clouds. A Thunder dragon's roar is considered to be an omen of misfortune.
資料來源:Dragon Cave Wiki