1. Pick a mushroom and follow the path →
2. Approach the house and go to the courtyard → ==> → Examine the well →
3. Enter the mansion → ==> → Search the pot → Take them →
4. Go through the archway → DANCE! → Check it out? →
5/6. ==> → Up the stairs → Examine Journal →
7. ==> → To the study → Pick up the globe →
8. Exit to library → Pick up the quill pen →
9. → Take the spiral staircase upstairs → Operate the valves → Take the flask →
10. ==> Take a closer look at the food on the table →
11. ==> Search the fireplace →
12. ==> Pick up the object →
13/14. Go out to the balcony → Reach for the chandelier →
17. Enter the mansion → Go through the archway → Play the piano → Go through the hallway door → Investigate the box on the coffee table →
18. Go through the door next to the chair → Read the parchment sheets →
19. Go see what's making the sound → Check behind the shower curtain →
20. Go through the archway → To the balcony → Take the bones →
21. Go through the small, lone door → Look into the mirror →
22. ==> Check inside the cage →
23. Go toward the back of the room→
24. Go through the archway → To the balcony → Head upstairs → Investigate the door at the side of the hallway → Guest Bedroom →
25. Go through the archway → To the balcony → Head upstairs → Examine the bookshelves →
26. ==> Examine table → Examine dais →
27. Enter the mansion → Go through the archway → Look out the window →
28/29. ==> To the study → Exit to library → Go through the door headed into the garden → Take the path to the fountain → Collect snake and pygmy →
30. ==> Go to the greenhouse → Examine lock Use acid → Enter Greenhouse → Check out the greenery → Pick one →
31. ==> Investigate door Use key and enter ==> Investigate book →
32. ==> Investigate shelves → Collect grasses →
33. ==> Collect dragon pieces →
34. ==> Investigate fallen item → Check top shelf →
35. ==> Look around the workroom → Go to the cemetary → Examine object → Keep sword →
36. Go back → Continue → Go through mossy gate →
37. Take the spiral staircase downstairs → Go through the door headed into the garden → Follow the rustling sound →
38. Enter the mansion → Go through the archway → Play the piano → ==> → Go through the hallway door → Investigate the heavy door → Try opening it → Use spell to open the door → Take the stairs → Let him down →
39. Enter the mansion → Go through the archway → Play the piano → ==> Investigate the flash → Take the parchment → Show off the dead rat →
40. Enter the mansion → Go through the archway → Play the piano → ==> Go through the hallway door → Investigate the heavy door → Try opening it → Use spell to open the door → ==> → ==> → 回到你的龍洞軸頁點此活動的連結進入 → Stay on the main trail →