


我好像熊熊忘記他改在白天(台凌晨)發布這件事~ 昨凌晨我在追RG嗷,沒有留意到,sorry zonked

✤ 棲地:森林、叢林


This massive egg is covered with thick plates.


Ig7Eu.gif 幼龍

Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. This large hatchling is well-protected by its thick, scaly hide. It is pushy and aggressive toward other dragons.


iWenS.gif MyeSb.gif 成熟的幼龍

Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. This large hatchling is well-protected by its thick, scaly hide. It is pushy and aggressive toward other dragons.
And look! It has grown wings! It must be close to maturing.



iWenS.gif Ig7Eu.gif 成年龍

Plated Colossus Dragons are one of the largest dragon species. These huge brutes are notorious bullies—they prefer to steal food from other dragons rather than finding it for themselves. As their thick hides are impervious to most forms of physical attack, Plated Colossi simply ignore the other dragons’ protests, or lash the offending dragon with their club-like tail, which can easily break a limb. Plated Colossi have slow metabolisms and do not need to eat often, but they may consume nearly half their body weight in one feeding. These dragons are not incredibly clever and any discussion with them will often center around eating.



This egg is encrusted with colorful gemstones.


9aDo6.gif fJhA1.gif GB2kQ.gif 幼龍

Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. It has bright, shiny scales and loves to play in the sunlight.


Mk1W8.gif fJhA1.gif GB2kQ.gif 成熟的幼龍

Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. It has bright, shiny scales and loves to play in the sunlight.
And look! It’s grown a forked spade at the end of its tail and long, tufted whiskers! It must be close to maturing.



9aDo6.gifnuCSf.gif fJhA1.gifRH6gA.gif GB2kQ.gifzUqoi.gif 成年龍

Gemshard Dragons are small, gregarious, expressive easterns, living in large clans high in the jungle canopy. Their bodies are covered in tiny, gem-like scales that shimmer in direct light, and each dragon has a unique pattern of markings on the forked spade of its tail. Though Gemshard Easterns cannot fly, they often leap from springy branches high into the sky on sunny days and perform acrobatic spins and twirls to entertain themselves. When the weather turns foul, they pile up together on sturdy tree limbs and interlock the forks of their tails with others to keep warm and dry.



A small puddle of condensation has collected under this egg.


hPikw.gif 幼龍

Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. It's an excellent swimmer, but can also glide through the air for short distances.


hPikw.gif 成熟的幼龍

Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. It’s an excellent swimmer, but can also glide through the air for short distances.
It’s gotten much bigger, and can now fly for longer distances. It must be close to maturing.



hPikw.gif 成年龍

Striped River Dragons dwell in clear, deep-moving water. These dragons are playful and active, but wild individuals are very shy and tend to flee at the first sign of humans. They are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for up to an hour, and are also capable of magic-powered flight for short distances. Their hoards usually consist of shells, smooth river stones, and freshwater pearls; Striped River Dragons often trade objects from their hoard and give “gifts” to dragons or people they consider to be friends. These dragons are intolerant of poor water conditions, so their presence is often an indicator of a healthy river system.

    創作者 寒冰 的頭像

    Dragon Cave 育龍誌

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